Bookkeeping the netherlands

Dutch bookkeeping standards GAAP

At RVW Fiscaal Juridisch Advies we can place you in contact with businesspartners specialized in helping foreign businesses with their Dutch bookkeeping and financial administration.

Companies and legal entities in The Netherlands may apply The Dutch Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (Dutch GAAP). The Dutch GAAP rules are based on EU directives and are brought in line with the International Financing Reporting Standards (IFRS), on a continuing basis although differences remain.


Stock listed companies, financial institutions and insurance companies in the Netherlands have to apply the International Financing Reporting Standards (IFRS).

Cooperation with other EU member states

Companies that are part of an international group may prepare their financial statements in accordance with accepted accounting standards in another EU member state, provided that the reference thereto is made in the notes.

RVW Advies Rob van Westerop

Financial statements

The accounting principles must be set out in the financial statements. These principles, once implemented, may only be changed if there are good reasons for such a change. In case of a change, the reasons for this change and the effect on the financial position must be disclosed in the notes. Dutch legislation provides for a specific valuation and disclosure requirements, which should be complied with.

The Euro is the required currency for reporting, but if justified by the activities of the company or the international structure of its group, a company may report in a foreign currency.

Consolidation, Publication, and Audit Requirements

In general, parent companies should include the financial data of controlled subsidiaries and other group companies in their consolidated financial statements.

Only medium and large companies are required by law to have their annual report audited by independent, qualified and registered Dutch auditors.

The financial statements must be prepared and approved no later than five months after the end of the financial year. In addition, the company must publish its annual report no later than eight days after the determination or approval of the financial statements by means of filing a copy of the financial statements with the trade register at the Chamber of Commerce.

The preparation period for the financial statements may be extended at the shareholder’s meeting; however the deadline for publication is twelve months after the end of the financial year.